Green Infrastructure Standards Development and Soil Cell Evaluation

October 22, 2020 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
$15 - $30
Victoria Kring

This webinar will provide an overview of the City of Toronto’s Green Streets program, the process that is underway for developing Green Infrastructure standards, and why such standards are required.

This webinar is being offered as part of the TRIECA 2020 Webinar Series.


The Green Streets program is a City of Toronto initiative to incorporate Green Infrastructure (GI) into the public right-of-way, implemented through the Capital Works Program and Development/Growth related projects.

As GI projects increase in prevalence, one of the major milestones for the City is to develop GI standards and specifications to which both developers and City staff can adhere.

The lack of GI standards is one of the biggest barriers to widespread incorporation of Green Streets. Once adopted, standards will facilitate implementation and simplify operation and maintenance procedures. The City currently has an RFP in procurement to achieve this goal.

This presentation will examine the process underway for developing GI standards, and will focus on a demonstration project currently underway to evaluate new soil cell technologies.

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