Green Economy Perspectives with Andrew Heintzman: Rethinking Our Economic Systems

April 5, 2017 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Centre for Social Innovation, Toronto
Sustainability Network

Join us for a candid and critical conversation with author and venture capitalist Andrew Heintzman as we continue to solicit perspectives on the green economy.

How does our economic system need to change in a world that faces growing threats of climate change, peak oil, and resource scarcity?

Andrew Heintzman is the CEO and co-founder of InvestEco Capital, the first Canadian investment company to be exclusively focused on environmental sectors. Founded in 2002, InvestEco’s investments have ranged from companies that are developing renewable energy, water technologies, resource productivity technologies and efficient transportation solutions, to companies that promote health and sustainability in the food and agriculture sector. InvestEco is today principally focused on investments that promote health and sustainability in the North American food sector.

With the belief that entrepreneurialism will be critical to solving the world’s most pressing ecological problems, Andrew will share his perspectives on how strong financial returns can and should go hand in hand with innovative companies that are working to build a healthier planet and his vision of a new and prosperous way forward

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