Parks and Open Spaces


Parks and open spaces are places we go to exercise, have fun and relieve stress. They also connect urban and rural ecosystems, helping to protect biodiversity, migratory routes and pollinator habitat.

About Parks and Open Spaces

Parks and open spaces include city or town parks, conservation areas, ravines, woodlots, rivers, beaches, provincial and federal parks, playing fields, as well as school yards and golf courses.

What are the Benefits of Parks and Open Spaces?


Mitigation: Green spaces with trees and shrubs help to slow global temperature increase by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Adaptation: Parks and open spaces cool urban areas and reduce stormwater flow during storm events.


Flooding:  Parks and open spaces act as a buffer for nearby developments in urban areas by absorbing stormwater during flood events.


Habitat: Parks and open spaces provide valuable habitat for native species living in urban environments. The diversity of plant species help mitigate the impact of diseases to any one species.

Air and Water: The vegetation in parks and open spaces helps to filter sediment and pollutants from rain water.


Physical Activity: People who live near parks generally use them for physical activity which contributes to their overall wellbeing.

Aesthetics: Being able to view nature, even from a window, has been linked to faster and easier recoveries for hospital patients.

Mental Health: Access to parks and open spaces can improve mood, increase concentration and focus, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Child Development: For children and youth, the benefits of time spent outdoors in natural areas can include improved motor abilities, better social skills, and lower risk of obesity.


Social Well-being: Parks and open spaces provide a public space for community members to engage and interact with one another.

Community Support: People living near green spaces are better connected to their neighbours and express a stronger sense of belonging in their communities.

Use of Space: The presence of trees and grass leads to greater use of common spaces in social housing projects.


Property Values: Homes adjacent to parks and open spaces are valued higher than comparable properties.